The groundbreaking LED-show Reflections will leave a lasting impression on your audience. By combining LED poi, a LED-wall and LED-tubes, we transform live entertainment into a true light spectacle. Artists and visuals merge seamlessly, taking the audience on a magical journey.

Why choose LED-show Reflections?
High-skilled artists, beautiful choreographies, atmospheric music, an impressive 3-layer LED-programming and captivating video elements. Reflections offers your audience an enchanting and spectacular experience.

Make your event personal and impactful
Reflections not only delivers unique entertainment but also provides the opportunity to integrate custom content within the show. This personalization makes it an excellent choice for brand activations, product launches, or thematic presentations.

Technical Specifications
– Show duration: 10 minutes
– Number of performers: 2-6 artists
– Required space: Minimum 10×5 meters
– Stage height: Minimum 3.5 meters

Contact us today for more information and availability. Let LED-show Reflections elevate your event to the next level!